Theses & Projects

Theses & Project Topics

We are looking for highly motivated students either willing to write their theses or conduct their bachelor/master/research projects on topics related to our research focuses. To apply for a thesis/project, please send an email to with the subject [ETCE thesis] or [ETCE project], including:

1. A letter of application detailing your interest in this research field
2. A list of courses taken and corresponding grades
3. Known programming languages and experience
4. Possible starting date

Students can either pick one of the topics below OR propose a topic using the two-page template – Link

Available Topics

Available Supervision

Finished Projects

BT = Bachelor Thesis | MT = Master Thesis | BP = Bachelor Project | MP = Master Project | RP = Research Project

Trashy – A General-Purpose Household Trash Sorting Appliance (RP/MT | 01.10.2024)


Convenient and Effortless 3D Printing of Everyday Life Repair Spare Part (RP/MT | 01.10.2024)